Sarah’s boyfriend, Matt, was weed-eating the back of their home and found these:!

Two baby bunnies!
They are so CUTE!
Their friend Ebony heard the commotion and came to her window to see the cuteness!
They are soooo little!!

We named them “Hase” and “Pfeffer”!  We put them back in their nest and mom came and got them!

Disclaimer:  No bunnies were harmed in the making of these photos!  Promise!

1 thought on “Cuteness OVERLOAD!

  1. Hi Joe and Roxanne, what cute bunnies you posted; couldn’t resist a reply on
    this day’s adventure! Reading thru your trip thus far, you figured out that the
    Lord is already there: above you, beneath you, ahead of you, and behind you, in
    the many details and aggravations of life and in the beautiful countryside and
    scenery, as well as the many friends and family members who have welcomed
    you. Sarah looks so happy, we know you are glad to be together again. Praying
    for traveling mercies. Enjoy every minute of your adventure!

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