
We made the poor assumption that all “retirement” issues were done since Joe gave 4 months notice!

Silly us!

I submitted refill requests on my prescriptions (to be filled at the nearest pharmacy – 31 miles away!).  I get a reply that they need to speak to me as the insurance for the prescriptions had EXPIRED!  Excuse me – COBRA insurance should have taken over the day after Joe’s retirement!  NOT!  So we drove about an hour to find cell service (NO T-Mobile here!) and called the benefits people who informed us that they had sent us a form to fill out on July 11 (12 days AFTER Joe retired) that would indicate which option we were choosing for health insurance.  Well, we left Jax on July 13 and did not receive it!  So… we are told that we can do all of this online and make the first payment then the insurance will reinstate – in 7 to 10 DAYS!  In the meantime we can purchase the prescriptions at no-insurance prices and then submit a claim once the insurance is reinstated!  Oh, boy!  What are the chances that will go well??!!

Fast forward to the pharmacy… they quoted me a price of $248 for the prescriptions!  I usually pay less than $25!  But, here in the boonies, people are nice and go out of their way to help!  The person at the pharmacy sympathized with us about the insurance issue and gave us “discounts” on the prescriptions!  She was able to reduce the price from $248 to $131!  Who knew there was such a thing?!

Oh, the first retirement thing that happened was that the first pension payment was not made!  It should have been made on July 1.  We call Joe’s unnamed employer (whom Joe retired from) and asked about this.  They indicated that they do not process retirement until the person actually retires – in other words, not until AFTER the last working day!  The unnamed  employer must send paperwork to the outsourced retirement administrators to verify Joe’s last day actually happened!  It then takes 6 to 8 WEEKS to process and to begin receiving pension payments!  The payment will be retroactive to July 1 when we receive it in August or September!  Joe’s other pension came right on time on July 1!  I guess one out of two is not bad!

I’m done ranting for now!  I just LOVE corporate America!  In case you can’t tell – that last statement was VERY sarcastic!

That is all!


2 thoughts on “Rant….I warned you….

  1. So sorry that, despite all that you did to take
    care of details, “the company” dropped the
    ball so badly. . .However, on the bright side,
    I feel like we just had our “Beach Diner” rant
    time! Love it that you’ve found those sweet
    mountain people who do their best to help
    with the messes that others create for us!
    We have experienced that same care many
    times over through the years.
    So happy that you are making so many
    sweet memories, that those outweigh the
    bumps along the way!
    Love & miss you bunches!

  2. So sorry I know it was
    frustrating to say the least but
    we thank God it wasn’t worse
    just think you and Joe are
    together God’s blessing on rest
    of your trip just think of all the
    stories you have to tell I love
    them monkey loves you two

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