You never know what you will see when you just drive around the back roads and get off the interstate highways!

Beautiful country!

If you place them in group of like items, does old rusted tractors, farm tools, small bulldozers, and other farm equipment become “art”??!!

Coming up to the “Farm Art” area!
Let’s see what all is here…
Trucks and trailers…
…and other farm equipment…

You can’t make this stuff up!

We saw several deer today, mostly does with fawns…

We saw a mother hawk run her fledgling youngster off!

We saw a turkey on the road railing.

When we went by this was a house. When we came back by…all gone!


New meaning to the word “Scarecrow”!  We later saw a robin sitting on top of this – I guess it only “scares” crows!

Yes..a dead crow hanging beside a field…
Two “scarecrows” in this field!
Yes…a REAL “scarecrow”!




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