As we are coming to the end of our NC adventure, I want to share some thoughts….

One – I thank the Good Lord for all the blessings that He has bestowed on us throughout our lives that have brought us to this place and time.

Two – This has been a much needed time of rest.  Life can be hectic, wonderful, stressful, and well, just life and all it’s opportunities.  This time to sleep, including naps, read, travel, walk, wander, and shop, has been relaxing and reflective.

Three – There are still going to be “opportunities” in life.  We have learned, mostly the hard way, that our faith sustains us through anything.  If we just “let go and let God”, He will handle all that life presents us.  We sometimes get caught us in “our” plans and forget Who is really in charge.  This has been a time to refocus.  Will we stumble?  Of course.  But our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be there waiting when we get over ourselves and return our focus to Him.  Thanks be to God for that Gift.

Four – This is fun!  Sleeping until we wake up – no alarm clocks!  Going where we want to go when we want to go!  No place we need to be!  No distractions of all the “norms” of home – renovations, yard, stuff!  Plenty of time for all that  – later!

That’s about it!

We head for TN tomorrow morning.  We will be having dinner with friends we moved there with – 20 years ago! We’ll see my cousin the next day for lunch and meet up with a co-worker of Joe’s in St.Louis for dinner.

Wednesday morning begins the trek to Laramie, WY to spend the weekend with our daughter.

Monday, August 7 we go to Cody, WY and meet up with my best friend and her husband for a week touring Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Monday, August 14 we head to Choteau, MT for four days touring Glacier National Park.

We will be enjoying the eclipse in Casper, WY with my cousins.

The last two week of the trip will be spent back in Laramie for our daughter and her boyfriend’s birthdays.

We return to Jax around Sept.9th.  Gotta be back for the Jaguar season, Community Bible Study, and Sunday School.

We miss you all and pray that your time is blessed!

Roxanne and Joe


1 thought on “Reflections…

  1. What a great trip. I’m getting a
    sense of peace and relaxation from
    you both. Glamping sounds perfect for
    Molly and myself. We have done
    similar upscale camping that’s a
    great compromise.
    Lobster mini-season went well. I’ll
    send a pic via text.
    It’s Lan’s penultimate day, so we are
    celebrating at Gators. BTW. I saw
    Steve.T in the office yesterday.
    Safe travels and enjoy.

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