65y6tttttttt – that says “hello” from the cat – who just walked across the keyboard!

Monday we left the serenity of the cabin and headed out for the next part of our adventure!

Our first stop was Nashville, TN.  It was, almost to the day, the 20th anniversary of when we and the Williams family moved to TN.  It could not have been better timing to meet up with our friends, Greg and Kim Williams!  We met for dinner in downtown Franklin, which is where we used to live.  Downtown has changed a lot in 20 years!  So much so that we went to 3 restaurants before we could get a table!  There was also the special treat of getting to meet their daughter, Natalie’s two sons!  Colton is 8 and Blake is 4.  What delightful young boys!  We caught up as much as we could with all of our family’s happenings.  We wish we had longer to visit, but as Blake said – it’s dark, so it’s time to go home!”  What a blessed evening!

Sarah and Joe III’s schools while we lived in Franklin.

Tuesday took us two hours northwest to where my cousin, Jimmy and his wife, Sylvia now live in Henry, TN.  I could not believe that they had moved 5 years ago and this was our first visit.  Sylvia works as the activities Director at a local nursing home and was not able to join us.  Jim gave us the grand tour of his home and barn and even let Joe fish in their pond.  Lunch was at a local BBQ place that was very good.  We met a local police officer there who is also a Pastor.  We had good conversation with him and prayed together before we left.  Jim then took us to Paris, TN where there is the Eiffel Tower, of course!  We took photos and spent some time together.  There was fresh watermelon from Sylvia’s garden for dessert back at the house.  Again, another visit we wish could have been longer!

Jim and Sylvia home

You can’t visit Paris (TN) without seeing the Eiffel Tower!

Here is the “big” fish Joe caught!  

(We do not have very good internet service here in Limon, CO – so I’ll try to post photos later – sorry!)

We left Jimmy and headed to O’Fallon, IL (just east of St.Louis) to meet one of Joe’s co-workers for a pizza dinner.  Charles and his wife, Pat, were in O’Fallon for the birth of their grandson.  It was great to meet Charles’ wife, Pat, finally.  We felt like we had known each other through our husbands.  Pat and I hit it off and talked the whole time!  Joe and Charles got caught up on all work things and how retirement is going for Joe.  It was a fun evening!

Well, it was a whirlwind two days to start our journey to WY!  So much fun!  Now it’s time to spend 3 days in the car with the cat!





2 thoughts on “Visits

  1. I smiled the whole time I read
    this! So glad to be following your
    journey! Safe travels, much love!
    ♡ Jessica from Beach Diner

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