Things to this point (one 8 hour day) had gone well with the cat in the car for traveling.  Now we start our second car journey.  Today we will only be driving 6 hours to Nashville, TN.  It should be a nice, relaxing drive.  NOT!

When we left the cabin, we expected that we would be stopping for gas in a short amount of time – no longer than an hour…with that plan, we left the cat, Gracie, in her small carrier to keep her contained until we could get gas.  Well, “getting gas” had not happened after 2 hours!  Gracie apparently could not hold “it” anymore!  Yes, she pooped!  It was soft poop and trapped in her little container, it was poop EVERYWHERE! On Gracie, all over the container and STINKS!  We were in the middle of nowhere and would accomplish nothing by stopping on the side of the road.  So we drove another 30 minutes(!) to the big city of Damascus, VA.  We stopped for gas and asked in the little store if they sold baby wipes!  No, but a Dollar General down the street did!  Joe went in and got baby wipes, paper towels, disinfectant spray, and air freshener!  I got in the back seat with Gracie – at this point still in her carrier – then Joe came out and threw in the baby wipes and paper towels for the process to begin!  Gracie was a MESS!  She did NOT like being baby wiped!  I know that I used at least 40 baby wipes to clean the cat!  Joe cleaned the carrier.  What a process!  We all needed baths!  And, no, I do not have any photos of this!!  Gracie did not “talk” to me the rest of this day!

The next 3 days traveling were non-eventful – with one small, as compared – exception!  We have the litter box in the car for Gracie, and like a good kitty she used it – right when the car in front of us braked hard, so we did too – and threw Gracie around her little box BEFORE she could cover her “stuff”!  One more round of baby wipes!  This time only one back leg, though!  Again, Gracie did not “speak” to me the rest of the day!

We finally arrive at Sarah’s Friday afternoon.  We get Gracie in the house and she is NOT happy!  There are two other cats and a dog!  She goes under the bed and stays there until Saturday when we coax her out with food!  Poor baby. She gets more comfortable as time goes on, but will not leave our bedroom.

So, now that Gracie is getting relaxed – we leave tomorrow!  It’s a 6 hour drive and we will be in that location for a week, so maybe she can relax a little before we leave again!

Relaxed in the car with “Daddy”!

Pray for Gracie!

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