We went to Laramie, WY the Southern route this time through Kansas (In February, we had taken the Northern route through Nebraska).

Kansas is pretty.  Rolling hills much of the way, then more flat.  There were may “wind farms”!  I became obsessed with these wind turbines!  I don’t know why, but I did.  I will not post all the photos I took!  I think that the wind turbines are pretty and I guess it’s a good thing to do where it’s feasible.  Kansas gets 45% of its electricity from wind power.  Who knew?!  Not me!  Anyway, here are a few photos of my wind turbines:

Moving into Colorado we began to get into some weather…

My wind turbines are getting wet!
Yes, this is hail!

Fun sights along the way…

Blade for a wind turbine – this started by obsession!
St.Louis – see the arch?
Entering Kansas
Whatever this is! It is BIG!
Any questions?! In Colorado.
Big fake buffalo on a hill..
REAL buffalo!
Some REALLY BIG tires!

Pretty scenery in Wyoming!


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