Joe &Roxanne, “Mama Monkey”, Sylvia & John

We toured the South Loop of Yellowstone National Park our first day.  So much to see!  God scattered around so many different things in a relatively small area!  Forests, lakes, hot springs, geysers, steam vents, and mud boils!

Short stop for a snack! Beautiful picnic spot..
Joe had to feel how cold the water was! Surprise – it was COLD!
Mama Monkey snacks on trail mix giving her the energy to….
…climb a tree!!!! come down now, Mama Monkey!
Playing with the selfie stick!
More selfie stick fun!
Mama Monkey is ready to move on!
Ok – we are buckled in – time to go!
Oh, my! Steam vents! Smells like sulfur or rotten eggs!
Steam coming up from underground is just weird! And right beside a lake!
Joe says he is a bear – good advice!
Another beautiful stop!
Funky mushrooms everywhere!
The Geyser Basin! Here we go! Many, many geothermal areas! So weird!

And, yes, many of these are named!

Guess what we saw next…

Old Faithful!
Hail and rain!!! Take cover in the Lodge!

Old Faithful Lodge – John and I were lagging back!

Is this cool stuff or what??!!

Yucky and cold!
Joe is happy in the back seat!

We ended out first day with an Elk family sighting!

This guy held up traffic for about 15 minutes – he just stood there!

The end of day 1 in Yellowstone!

What a day!

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