First, the Grands – kitties and puppy (cats and dog)!  Rough life, huh?


Matt’s birthday!

Go Pens! Pittsburgh Penguins! Hockey!
Pens tickets! A night in Denver!
He liked the gifts!
Fun with ice cream cake!

Had a fun night with friends!

Date night!

Sarah wanted to take us to Denver for lunch today.  We came to this restaurant, which was VERY crowded and looked like it would be hours to get in and who is there waiting for us?!  Ben Sullivan, a good friend from Youth Group days at church!  We had a really nice lunch then checked out LoDo (Downtown Denver).  So nice to see Ben!  What a nice surprise!

Look who we found in Denver! What a nice surprise that Ben and Sarah arranged!

Sights between Laramie and Denver….

The white specks are pronghorn antelope…

Sarah has plans for Labor Day (her birthday weekend) so, we start toward home tomorrow morning.  We plan to come home through Oklahoma.  I’m trying to get to all 50 states for my bucket list, so OK will be the third state (WV & KS) that we’ll check off the list on this trip!  We plan to be home on Thursday, finishing a total of 7 weeks away!  We are looking forward to seeing family and our own beds.  We are NOT looking forward to the humidity and heat!  It’s been nice weather everywhere we’ve been!

I thank our Great Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for His care and blessings to us on this trip!  To Him ALL the Glory!

Thank you all for journeying with us these past weeks!  Thank you all for your prayers and support! So far, retirement is GREAT!  We’ll be seeing you all soon!

May Christ bless you all!

Joe and Roxanne

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