UPDATE: Mom’s house SOLD “as is” the end of November!



We came home just in time for Hurricane Irma!  What fun!

We continuously thank the Good Lord for His blessings!

At our home on Brady Road we had NO damage – just a lot of puddles and debris!  We had no power for 5 days, but had a generator, so that is just an inconvenience!

My mom stayed with us during the hurricane and stayed with us for 4 days until power was restored to her apartment.

Her house has some “opportunities”!  Nothing too major, again VERY blessed!

A VERY large tree fell across the street into her and the neighbor’s house.  Damage is still being accessed on the roof.  There was one leak that was enough to wet carpet and cause the ceiling to fall in.  The electric line that the tree fell on caused a power surge in the house.  The panel needed to be replaced.  There was another VERY large tree that fell in the backyard across the shed, destroying the shed and landing in three other backyards!

Here’s our house:

Our house has some water puddled!

Here’s mom’s house:

Backyard shed destroyed by tree
Tree across the street and on mom’s house

Electric panel blew out



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