We know that you all have been anxiously awaiting our posts!  Haha!  We have had the typical Jordan travel opportunities!  There is never a dull moment!

The trip started with a poor choice of shoes for Joe…  two in two colors, both left feet!!

This is an odd pair of shoes!

We’re ready to go!  The cat is inside her litter box!  Her “go to” spot when she’s not happy!  Poor Gracie!  Another cross country trip!

The first thing to do is to start “Joe Labs”!  There is always some “project”!  This time is it mounting the GoPro to the dash and filming the entire road trip!  Then time lapse the entire thing so that you all can watch the trip in just a few minutes!  I know that you all will do this!

Going through Chattanooga, TN

The big city of Tracy City…named after my niece…that’s my story!

Our home for the evening…Monteagle, TN.

Gracie has had enough!

Good night all!  End of day 1!





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