This is the story of a couple that had a rough 2020….along with the rest of the world.

Just before Christmas 2019, Roxanne’s mom passed away.  That has been really hard.  So we took a trip to the TN Mountains for a month to try to somewhat recover.  This was a good trip and was helpful to get away.

We went to Atlanta in March, 2020 for a friend’s wedding reception.  This is when Covid started.  At that time it looked like a 2 week quarantine for those who had been exposed….this turned into millions and cases and thousands of deaths.  There was conflicting information coming from the news, the “experts”, and others as to the seriousness, spread, and cure for this virus.  For months, we could only go out to grocery stores, pharmacies, and our drive-in church service.  Then the mask controversy started.  The information on how much or if at all this helps curtail the spread was debated, coming down to needing to wear masks inside public buildings when social distancing (aka 6 feet apart) could not be maintained.  The riots abound the country supporting Black Lives Matter occurred all summer long.

This summer we also has the passing of Joe’s mom, one our best friends, and my aunt.  This was so difficult, as these occurred within a few weeks of time.  Along with the Covid, ritoting, and just things not being “normal” made these losses especially hard.

The Presidential campaigning and election took up the fall.  Our candidate did not win and we have concerns over how the new administration will run the country, as they have control of both houses of Congress.  Their stated policies are not what we are in agreement with and could have a heavy cost on America as we know it, in our opinion.  We will see.

We had four Christmas celebrations to get in the whole family at one or another!  It was really good to see all our “peeps”!

So, here we are…escaping to the mountains again!

Praying for strength, peace, and comfort as we go through these “Adventures in Life”!